Snowland Vegetable Farms
A variety of vegetables and herbs such as Pumpkins, corn, beans, cucumbers, onions, radish, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, Rhubarb, Spinach, Tomatoes, Peppers, beets, kale, potatoes, melons, lettuce, squash, carrots, peas, rutabaga, turnips, celery, garlic, asparagus, mint, cilantro, dill. Our commercial kitchen, perogies, perishky, beet patties, cubed, sliced cooked/fresh cut beets, carrots. -cauliflower patties -cabbage rolls -nalysnyky -beet leaf buns, Cooked corn of the cob, Cheesy bacon asparagus stuffed buns -Rueben Sandwich buns (sauerkraut, Corned Beef, cheese and sauce) -Cheesy Asparagus mushroom quinoa bites -Rhubarb Strawberry Oat bars -rhubarb cranberry Oat bites -Lemony Oat bars -Apple Cinnamon raisin nut buns
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