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Pitch Creek Farm

Owned and operated by Brandon and Greg, established in 2017. We started our journey into vegetable farming with little to no experince other than a small home garden. We caught the bug! - and doubled the size of our farm yearly to its current state. We grow a wide variety of vegetables on 3 acres of land in Nolalu Ontario- just outside of Thunder Bay. Due to our northern climate we invested in 7000sq ft of heated greenhouse space and 4500sq feet of unheated greehouse space which allows us to push the seasons in the spring and fall. We grow all our veggies in soil without the use of any synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides and use a minimal tillage approach to benefit our soil microbiology and increase biodiversity around the farm. We grow hard to find varieties that the grocery stores cant grow- to provide our local customers with the best eating experience possible! We take pride in our work and we love what we do.

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