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Heriter Farms

We are a Certified Organic Beef, Pork and Poultry producer that enhances, protects and respects the land & animals from which our food is made.

We take land management seriously and our goals include:

  • Addressing the issues which lead to soil/forest degradation, erosion and flooding by following Joel Salatin, Gabe Brown and other "Rouge" farmer's science-based and time-proven methods...
  • Educating the public on the benefits of Permaculture and Intense Rotational (IR) grazing systems through on-site farm tours, videos and seminars......
  • Empowering consumers to stand against the destructive methods embraced by conventional farming and Big-Ag Corporations....
  • Demonstrating the positive effects of using heritage breed animals to produce quality, flavourful meat for you and your family...
  • Breaking down the barriers that prevent people from having access to locally-raised, organic meat and vegetables, thereby reducing carbon footprints, lowering the demand for imported foods, and protecting the land for future generations...
  • Going above and beyond the Canadian Organic Standards to produce ethically, sustainably and socially responsible food...
  • Helping reverse the damage that modern practices have done to our land by practicing no-till farming to increase biodiversity....
  • Encouraging new farmers to consider the impact on their land and surrounding systems when choosing their production methods.

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