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Frog Pond Farms Odessa

Frog Pond is Farms is located in Loyalist Township at the corner of County Road 4 and McIntyre Road. Our 33 acres of hayfields have been fallowed for over 30 years.

When we first visited our land, we fell in love with the large frog-filled pond, the multitude of birds, and the stream flowing between the pond and the house. We could imagine a large organic garden in the adjoining open fields, and greenhouses in order to get an early start on the season.

We are now in our sixth successful year of gardening using sustainable organic practices. We have increased our stock of insect netting significantly. We continue to increase our growing area every year. 

We strive to produce and deliver high quality chemical free organic vegetables, nutrient dense, fresh and colourful, in order to get all the health benefits that come with a variety of colour in one’s diet. 

Our website will be updated with seasonal produce as available.

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