Puddleduck Farm in Peterborough, Ontario
Welcome to Puddleduck Farm! We are excited to share what we have going on at our farm! The first crop our ground saw the year we moved to the farm was garlic in 2012. From there our market garden has continued to expand, we are now growing over 20 different varieties of organically grown vegetables and herbs. We sell our vegetables at local farmers’ markets and run a weekly email list where customers can find out what we have available each week, check out our produce page for more details. We also raise beef cattle and organic pasture raised meat chickens and sell the chicken direct from the farm, you can see more information on our pasture raised chicken page. Then you get to the sweet stuff, in 2011 we took over a maple syrup production in Millbrook. Every spring you can find us at the sugar shack boiling away. If you see the open signs out feel free to stop in and we will show you around the process! Check out more information on our maple syrup and where we sell it on our maple products page. Thanks for stopping by and check out all our other farm products on the site, you also you can find us on Facebook and Instagram!
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